Our Story...

It all started one wintery evening back in 2019 in Harlem, NYC.

Caroline & Ian, partners in business and partners in life were frustrated by the workday. They grabbed their coats and sprinted to their favorite bar to unwind and have one of their many "what are we doing with our life" talks.

Co-Founders of Morsel Family Cookbook App

While at the bar, they had the brilliant idea to make Ian's mom's famous chocolate chip pancake recipe the following morning. Ian realized that for the 1,000th time, he was having to text his mom for her coveted pancake recipe as it was nowhere to be found.

He tried to scroll back to the last time he asked for the recipe in his mom's text threads, but for the life of him, he couldn't find it.

That's when Ian got so frustrated and wished into the ether (or, in this case, out loud to Caroline and the bartender) that he could have all those important family recipes in one central place. He wanted to be able to pull up important recipes in the grocery store in a pinch, and always be ready for pancakes in the morning.

And that's when the idea for Morsel was first cooked up.

After a few more drinks and asking their bar neighbors for unsolicited feedback, Caroline and Ian realized they were onto something special.

It took many more frustrating nights like this to finally "break" the camel's back.

a couple posing in front of a mountain cabin with a sunset in background

It was while hosting their first Thanksgiving in their new home in the mountains that they finally realized this needed to be built.

As you can imagine, Ian began a full-on panic.


The "back" of the camel was now very much "broken."

A few months later, they launched the first version of Morsel, their long-awaited solution for saving and sharing family recipes and memories, forever.

They're thrilled you're here and hope you enjoy your recipes, audio memories, and laughs along the way with your family. Enjoy! 🙂

Ps... Don't forget to text your parents more.

Start saving your recipes today!